Spirithouse Import Gallery

Featuring a fairly traded, personally chosen collection of fine artisan jewelry, clothing and home decor, from the Hearts and Hands of S.E. Asia




Thai and Indonesian Shipments are IN!!!

Finally, all of the shipments from our last journey to SE Asia have arrived. There is an excellent selection of natural fiber, summer clothing for men and women, beautiful wood carving, dramatic bronze statuary, sacred stone garden art and loads of super handicrafts. If you have specific requests, please go to the “personal shopper” feature on the website - spirithouseimports.com and we will respond to you.

Our store hours are Monday through Thursday 11amto 6pm, Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10:30am to 6pm

Telephone 530-265-0114

We look forward to sharing our personally selected, fairly traded, reasonably priced handmade goods from SE Asia. Thank you for your continued support as we enter our 27th year in business!!